Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sandy Sables Cookies

Just in case anyone is wondering what I did with all those left over egg yolks from last week's French Macarons, I made Dorie Greenspan's Sables cookies which are basically a delicate French sugar cookie. Think Pecan Sandy sans the pecans. Perfect with tea!

You might also be wondering why there isn't a picture of these lovely cookies. Well, baby girl is in love with the camera. She can turn it on and take pictures and she usually yells Smile! before doing something funny with it like looking at it the wrong way and fouling up the lens with her delightfully sticky fingers. Last I saw our camera, it was in baby girl's stroller and now it's somewhere else. I'll find it eventually, but that means you'll lose out on my pics!

Click Here: That's ok because here's a link to an incredible article in the New York Times featuring not only Dorie Greenspan's recipe, but some great revelations on what she's learned.


  1. Hope the camera turns up! I just had to order a new one since my flash and zoom have both given up.

  2. yummy sounding! may have to send to the hubby. I am always looking for good recipes that can withstand the long trip!

  3. not only sounds good, but helps with that dilemma of what to do with the leftover eggyolks.

  4. Too funny about your little camera thief! Hope it turns up because I love your photos.



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